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2.5 yr. Old Class

The Dreamers program concentrates on giving our 2.5-year-olds exposure to several key experiences, schedules, and routines necessary to succeed in their school years ahead. First, putting your 2.5-year-old in a classroom with other children teaches your child to interact with other people and helps them develop their ability to trust and respect each other. Secondly, we engage the children in activities and games to stimulate their curiosity and to set the stage for a joyful and exciting school experience.  Ultimately, our goal is to have the children develop confidence and a strong sense of self during their time as a Dreamer.  


Class Schedule

Monday - 9am to 12pm

Wednesday - 9am to 12pm

Friday - 9am to 12pm


*Lunch available from 12-1pm as an add-on.*


Our Dreamers Learn:

  • Independence and sense of self.

  • Social skills: taking turns, sharing, and following rules and routines.

  • Fine and gross motor skills.

  • Receptive and expressive language skills via stories, rhymes, songs, poems and fingerplays.

  • Introduction of math concepts by counting, sorting, and classifying objects by specific attributes.

  • Experience creativity through process art where the focus lies in the creation of the work, not the outcome.

  • Experience music through singing, listening, movement activities, and introduction to simple instruments.

  • Pre-writing skills developed using crayons, markers and pencils.

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